If you look back on life, there are always moments that define change. I've had loads of mini-change-moments but only a few of the big ones that kind of mash everything you thought you knew and then you find yourself on a new path, one that you never dreamed you'll ever walk on, one that you never dreamed you had the "qualities" needed for the Job. In July 2009, I had one of those defining moments and everything changed (for the best).
Sitting at a Soul Survivor meeting
Getting on a Plane to Durban, South Africa
& Sitting on that bus, driving through plains of dry dry land, getting lost looking for hippopotamus (I always have to sing the HIP for the HIPPOPO song to get the correct spelling), covered from head to toe in brown dust with its taste in my mouth, I knew that a Change of Heart was taking place and a new path was stretching out infront of me.
Am I scared? You bet I am!
However, I am more than content & hopeful in the truth that "I AM NOT but I KNOW 'I AM'"